August 2014 - Nova Surgicare
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Month: August 2014

The Benefits of Antioxidants

It seems that every skincare company in the marketplace has at least one cream that touts the miraculous effects of its super rich antioxidant formulations.

Facelifts for Younger Patients

Reversing the signs of age before they become dramatic There was a time in the not too distant past when women and men waited until

Turning Back the Clock in Your Fifties

For many women, fifty ushers in the most exciting and productive time of their lives. Completely comfortable in their own skin, confident and strengthened through

Choosing the Right Sunscreen

With a promise of warmer days and summer sunshine fast approaching we thought it was a good time to speak about the therapeutic benefits of

The Weekend Facelift

Have surgical advancements come so far that we can reverse the signs of age in one hour and recuperate in a single weekend? The answer

The Benefits of Antioxidants

It seems that every skincare company in the marketplace has at least one cream that touts the miraculous effects of its super rich antioxidant formulations.