Reversing the Signs of Age in Your Forties - Nova Surgicare

Reversing the Signs of Age in Your Forties

In our last blog we discussed the most common factors contributing to the signs of age in one’s thirties. In today’s post we will be looking at the changes that occur as we move into our forties. The forties are a time when lines and wrinkles that become more prominent, facial volume loss becomes more visible and the texture and tone of the skin begins to change.


In addition to a slowdown in cellular turnover, women in their forties are also undergoing hormonal changes in their body that will affect how they look and feel. Diminishing levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the skin to become thinner, looser and less elastic. Collagen production decreases and the oil glands start to function a little differently. Women who had blemish free skin for most of their life may experience their first breakouts in their forties as oil gland behavior becomes irregular. These breakouts are usually accompanied by dry patches of skin due to a decrease in oil production and can leave one confused as to whether one should be using moisturizing skincare products or blemish control products.

It should also be noted, as estrogen levels decrease, many women experience an increase in androgen production, resulting in varying amounts of dark hair growth on the face—particularly around the chin and upper lip.

Replacing facial volume loss in your forties
To counteract the effects of deep lines and wrinkles and facial volume loss, injectable facial fillers are the most prescribed non-invasive treatment option. Light hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane, Perlane and Belotero are perfectly suited to round out temples, smooth under eye hollows, restore lip volume, define the vermillion border and gently lift sagging folds. Voluma XC and Radiesse allow us to shape and contour areas of the face like the cheeks and chin to give the face a more youthful appearance.

Cheek, chin and lip implants are another viable option for addressing the deflation associated with age. Made of soft, pliable, natural feeling substances they can be surgically inserted in less than one hour for long lasting youth enhancing results.

The mid-face lift
To address sagging skin, a mid-face lift may be the remedy of choice. This type of lift is becoming increasing popular with women in their forties to reverse the signs of age before they become dramatic. Although it is surgery, the procedure itself is minimally invasive utilizing newer techniques that provide a very natural looking result.

Laser treatments
Today we have a variety of lasers to treat textural irregularities as well as skin discolorations. In one’s forties, laser therapies should definitely be high on the roster of treatment options to improve the skin’s appearance. Treatments such as the MicroLaserPeel and Contour TRL work to improve the skin’s texture, while CO2 lasers and SkinTyte treatments can actually help to tighten and firm the skin; and BBL, broadband light treatments remain the gold standard for erasing skin discolorations and promoting a healthy glow.

Laser hair removal
Because the unwanted hair that appears in one’s forties tends to be darker than the light peach fuzz associated with younger days, laser hair removal is a viable and permanent treatment solution.

Home care products
Professional grade anti-aging homecare products are a must. They not only help to improve the skin’s appearance, they also help to ward off future signs of age. While some women are prone to playing chemist at the cosmetic counter we highly recommend a professional skin analysis with a trained professional to prescribe the best skincare remedies for homecare use.

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