BOTOX Cosmetic vs. Dysport McLean, Botox Alternative Washington D.C., Dysport Alternative Northern Virginia

BOTOX Cosmetic vs. Dysport

BOTOX Cosmetic vs. Dysport

Both BOTOX Cosmetic and Dysport are comprised botulinum toxin type A. Both of these products can be used to effectively treat a number of visible signs of aging such as crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, and creases between the eyebrows, and both are available from Northern Virginia cosmetic surgeon Dr. Daria Hamrah.

BOTOX Cosmetic is the brand name that has become identified with nonsurgical botulinum toxin type A injections. This is due in large part to the fact that BOTOX Cosmetic has been in use much longer in the United States.

Differing Results

While both BOTOX Cosmetic and Dysport target similar areas of concern, recent studies have found they do not offer identical results. Researchers from the Maas Clinic in San Francisco and University of California, San Francisco recently performed a “split face” study targeting crow’s feet in 90 patients. In this study, BOTOX Cosmetic was applied to one side of the face and Dysport to the other.Researchers then used both clinical observation and patient testimonials to determine which of the two products produced more pleasing results.

At the 30 day mark, two-thirds of the study’s participants claimed to be happier with the results produced by Dysport . However, it is important to note that results were identical until patients contracted their facial muscles as much as possible. When at rest or used within the normal range of function, there was no noticeable difference between the two products.

While results produced are nearly identical, some studies suggest the smaller proteins in Dysport allow the product to produce results more rapidly. These smaller proteins have also shown, initially, to break down more slowly and maintain their effect for up to 13 months compared to the four month average of BOTOX Cosmetic.

Dysport is relatively new on the American market and long-term benefits are as yet unknown. During your initial consultation with Dr. Hamrah, both BOTOX Cosmetic and Dysport can be discussed in full and the product best suited to meet your needs can be determined.

If you live in or around Northern Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, D.C., and would like to learn more about BOTOX Cosmetic and Dysport , please contact Nova Surgicare, PC to schedule an initial consultation today.

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