Nefertiti Lift – Neck Lift Virginia

Nefertiti Lift – Neck Lift Virginia

Neck Lift Virginia

Nefertiti Lifts are a newer innovation in the medical sphere, involving the use of Botox injections to tighten the jawline skin. Surgical neck lifts are the traditional option, but these are more invasive and come with a host of drawbacks. If you’re considering a neck rejuvenation procedure, it’s best to know more about the options available to you.
During a Nefertiti Lift, the platysma muscles are relaxed and weakened by Botox. When they are no longer pulling on the jaw and neck skin, neck bands, jowls, and double chins are lessened and eliminated. This procedure is specifically comparable to the platysmaplasty neck lift, which removes and alters platysma muscles, erasing neck bands and a turkey-wattle appearance.
Because it only involves injections, the Nefertiti Lift is a shorter, less-complex procedure – it only takes from 10 to 30 minutes. The more-invasive surgical neck lift can take up to three hours. The skin is lifted and moved after the creation of an incision below the chin; this will leave a scar, which the Nefertiti Lift will not do.
After a Nefertiti Lift, recovery will be fast and quite easy. There won’t be large bruises or major swelling, so you can leave right away, go back to work, and do any strenuous activities that are in your normal schedule. With a surgical neck lift, however, you will need to wear a compression garment for two weeks to keep the contoured tissues in place. You won’t be able to perform any physically stressful activities. You’ll also have stitches that may need to be removed in around a week.
With a surgical neck lift, you won’t see your final results until swelling fully subsides; this takes about three to six months. A Nefertiti Lift creates only minimal swelling, so you’ll see results much sooner, in around two weeks.
To find out more about what Botox can do for you, speak with Dr. Daria Hamrah, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with years of experience. Contact our office today to set up a consultation.

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