Reversing The Signs of Age In Your Sixties and Beyond - Nova Surgicare

Reversing The Signs of Age In Your Sixties and Beyond

Certainly the signs of age are more pronounced in one’s sixties. For individuals who have had no previous facial cosmetic surgery or enhancement with cosmetic fillers and neuromodulators the change in facial appearance may be quite significant. Overall the skin quality diminishes and muscle tone is compromised which causes substantial sagging around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, lips and neck. For those individuals who started a rejuvenation program in their early forties these markers will be less dramatic but evident none the less.

Certainly the signs of age are more pronounced in one’s sixties. For individuals who have had no previous facial cosmetic surgery or enhancement with cosmetic fillers and neuromodulators the change in facial appearance may be quite significant. Overall the skin quality diminishes and muscle tone is compromised which causes substantial sagging around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, lips and neck. For those individuals who started a rejuvenation program in their early forties these markers will be less dramatic but evident none the less.

Each part of the face ages at a different rate
Whether it is your first time considering facial cosmetic surgery or second it is important to recognize that each part of the face ages at a different rate. The signs of age apparent in the mirror have a lot to do with genetics and lifestyle such as sun exposure, stress, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking. For some individuals the upper face including the forehead, brows and eyes will demonstrate the most significant changes, while for others the lower face, jowls and neck will show a greater degree of aging.

Balance is fundamental to achieving the most desirable results. Limited incision lifts are not a viable option at this point because they do not address the muscles, underlying tissue and bones. Full facelifts are the best and most recommended approach. However, the surgical techniques selected should be adjusted to provide the proper correction for each area of the face. Additionally, lasers may be recommended to improve the texture, tone and elasticity of the skin providing patients with results that can easily erase 10 to 15 years from one’s appearance.

The Full Facelift
The full facelift is a term that cosmetic surgeons use to communicate overall facial rejuvenation. Most often it is used to specify facial cosmetic surgeries that address the signs of age in multiple areas of the face simultaneously. Facial features, evidence of aging and cosmetic surgery techniques are viewed in four distinct zones. These zones include the upper face, mid face, lower face and neck. Addressing multiple areas of the face at the same time has distinct advantages. First and foremost is the ability to create beautifully proportioned, youthful and harmonious results. Second, the cost of a full facelift is usually lower than the price one would pay when scheduling the surgeries individually.
During your consultation Dr. Hamrah will discuss the specific techniques he will use to correct the signs of age as they appear in each area of the face.

Which Signs of Age Are Improved with a Full Facelift

The Upper Face:
Deep forehead lines and creases are smoothed. Heavy, sagging brows are lifted to a more youthful position and excess skin around the eyes is removed while fat in the under eye area is either removed or shifted to provide a more refreshed and vibrant appearance.

The Mid Face
Muscle and facial tissue in the area of the mid face are repositioned to rejuvenate the contours of the cheeks and mid face. Sagging skin and the deep facial folds between the nose, mouth and lips are gently lifted to reverse a decade or more of aging.

The Lower Face
Aging in the jawline and chin are addressed eliminating the appearance of jowls, loose, flabby and wrinkling skin.

The Neck
Three aspects of aging can be addressed with regards to the neck. These include an accumulation of fat in the lower face and neck region: excess and sagging skin as well as repositioning and tightening of the muscles. As one progresses in years the area of the neck often exhibits the greatest degree of age and improvement in this area has been shown to enhance both one’s appearance and self-confidence.

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