Post Op Instruction for Laser Resurfacing - Nova Surgicare

Post Op Instruction for Laser Resurfacing

Post Op Instruction for Laser Resurfacing

The laser procedure has the ability to produce the most dramatic results in skin rejuvenation. It also hasone of the more recoveries.

This first week after laser skin resurfacing is challenging in termsof care. You will be swollen, covered with creams and not presentable to leave the house. This all beginsto change at about day 5-6.

1. Recovery

Remember that the reward is atthe end of the healing journey.Laser resurfacing removes the outer layers of the skin. It is very important to manage this treatment to ensure proper healing. As with any burn, do not touch your face without washing hands. Bacterial andyeast infections can occur if you touch other body parts then touch your face. Werecommend that you take a bowl and fill it with water and ice cubes and soak severalwash cloths (or gauze) in the bowl and keep the bowl in the refrigerator. Apply the cold cloth to the faceand this will ease the discomfort or use the NOVA face ice pack and leave it on your face more than 10 or 15 minutes. Doing this will wash off theHealing Ointment so remember to place a good coat Healing Ointment over the treated areas when needed. For the first 5-6 days, you need to keep yourface greasy and clean.


Iced water soaked gauze or wash cloths will ease the discomfort and decrease swelling after skin resurfacing.

2.The first 48 hours your face will ooze and swell and then will quickly improve. Generally the procedure is not extremely painful, and feels more like a sunburn. Some of our patients do not require pain medication but, I would recommend taking a dose of your pain medicine about 1/2 hour before going to bed then shower and wash your face immediately before going to bed. I also recommend taking a pain pill immediately upon awakening in the morning and taking a shower ½ hour after that. This way, you will be taking 2 showers per day and soaking and washing your face.

***Thermal Spring Water.It is recommended to use the Thermal Spring Water for cleaning and cooling the skin. Spray is a fine mist on your skin,wait 2-3 minutes, then gently pat dry and replace your NOVA healing Ointment.

***NOVA Antioxidant Gentle Cleanser. The goal is tosoak and gently remove the dead skin and residue from the creams. Your body will secrete serum in a normal response to the burn to the skinand this will tend to accumulate like a yellowish paste, especially around the lower lids and mouth. It is”nature’s Band Aid” and help protects the healing skin. Although it looks
unsightly, do not aggressivelyattempt to scrub it off. If the crusting is severe, soaking the area (usually lower lids) with hydrogenperoxide several minutes before your shower will help reduce them. If some of the yellowish paste comesoff in the shower, that is fine and it will all come off soon, but if you remove it and the underlying skinbleeds, you are being too aggressive.

***NOVA Sunscreen – Keeping sun off the face is very important (especially in the south) and important for properhealing. All patients should avoid direct sunlight for 4-6 weeks after surgery. Using sunscreen,sunglasses, and a wide brimmed hat are necessary. It is also important to protect your healing skin fromsunlight that comes through car or office windows. Using a high quality sun screen with at least SPF 30 isrecommended.

Day 1 – Ice packs and “grease” (NOVA Post Procedure Skin Barrier Healing Ointment recommended)
Day 2- Begin showering twice a day and gently washing face along with prescribed ointment.
Day 5 to 7- Begin usingNOVA Post Procedure Recovery Cream instead of ointments if skin is smooth, without crusts and not oozing.


Day 7 to 14- Continue with face washing and moisturizer, makeup can be applied when skin is smoothand pink, without crusting. Begin using sun screen by day 14 or earlier if outside or riding in car.Your laser resurfacing is a safe and predictable procedure, but is reliant on multiple medications toprevent viral and bacterial infection, reduce swelling, control discomfort and assist in sleeping ifnecessary. It is imperative that you understand the prescription regimen and take the medicines asdirected by Dr. Hamrah. Some of the medications are patient dependent.
Keflex (antibiotic medication given to all patients) – this medication will protect your healing skin frombacterial infection. You should not take this medication if you are allergic to penicillin. In the case ofallergy, we will prescribe you a different antibiotic. The Keflex should be taken every 6 hours around theclock until gone. We prefer that you begin this medication 24 hours
before your laser surgery.
Prednisone – this is an anti-swelling medication (only given to some patients) and will decrease yourswelling after your surgery. The Prednisone should be started after surgery and 3 tablets every morningfor 5 days. Pain and Discomfort Medication (given to all patients)– you will receive a prescription for discomfort. You onlyneed to take this medication if you have discomfort. If you wish, you may take Tylenol or Advil instead. Ifyou have had other procedures such as eyelid surgery, facelift or brow lift with your laser, then do nottake aspirin, Advil or any medication that increases bleeding. Tylenol is safe. Prednisone Anti-swelling If needed 3 tabs every morning for 5 days until Pills are gone DiazapamSleeping aid If needed 1.5 hours before bed if needed When sleeping normally
Valtrex Anti-herpes Yes 1 tab twice per day pills are gone

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